Dr. Mor & Associates
13036 Mindanao Way, #6
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 
Direct: 310.776-5667
Office: 310.574-0080


Dr. Mor & Associates
13036 Mindanao Way, #6
Marina del Rey, CA 90292


Direct: (310) 776-5667
Office: (310) 574-0080

Google Voice Phones

NEW!  Call our Google Voice at
(310) 776-5667 or (310) 776-5MOR
This number will ring all our phones at once. No need to try office or mobile separately. If you leave a voice message it will be delivered to us by phone and email anywhere in the world.


Dr. Avi Mor -
Alternate - dravimor@gmail.com


Printable copy of Dr. Mor's CV  (PDF).
Company Brochure
Concrete finishing crew on site

Current issues: Moisture

Moisture intrusion into buildings has always been a major trigger for CD litigation.

A recent California legislation (SB 800 - The Homebuilder "Fix It" Construction Dispute Resolution Law) defined "Actionable Defects" in Civil Code Section 896.  Its generalized definitions make interpretation by experts less precise and open to challenges.  It can leave a Builder exposed even if it complied with all Standard of Care and Code requirements.

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